4 research outputs found

    Pembobotan Hubungan Pertemanan Berbasis Co-occurrence untuk Pencarian Teman Dekat dalam Prediksi Performa Akademik Mahasiswa

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    Performa akademik biasanya merupakan indikator keberhasilan studi mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi. Performa akademik yang diraih akan mempengaruhi masa depan mahasiswa karena berkaitan dengan lama masa studi yang berpotensi menimbulkan kegagalan studi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan proses prediksi performa akademik untuk memfasilitasi institusi pendidikan dalam memonitor performa akademik mahasiswa dan mengantisipasi terjadinya kegagalan studi. Salah satu aspek yang dapat digunakan dalam prediksi performa akademik mahasiswa adalah hubungan pertemanan. Teman dekat dapat memberikan dampak positif dan negative pada performa akademik mahasiswa. Penelitian sebelumnya menggunakan prinsip co-occurrence untuk memodelkan hubungan pertemanan. Co-occurrence memodelkan hubungan pertemanan berdasarkan pertemuan antar mahasiswa pada lokasi yang sama. Setiap pertemuan yang terjadi merepresentasikan frekuensi komunikasi setiap mahasiswa dan dijadikan sebagai bobot hubungan pertemanan. Namun belum terdapat metode pembobotan hubungan pertemanan yang menggabungkan frekuensi dan durasi komunikasi serta bobot kepentingan lokasi pertemuan untuk dikunjungi. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini diusulkan metode pembobotan hubungan pertemanan yang menggabungkan frekuensi dan durasi komunikasi antar mahasiswa serta bobot kepentingan lokasi pertemuan menggunakan Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Hasil dari pembobotan tersebut selanjutnya akan digunakan untuk menelusuri predikat rata – rata performa akademik kelompok teman dekat seorang mahasiswa. Predikat setiap mahasiswa kemudian akan dibandingkan dengan predikat rata – rata kelompok teman dekatnya. Sebagai evaluasi, sistem akan diuji coba menggunakan akurasi. Hasil pengujian pengaruh jumlah teman menghasilkan nilai rata-rata akurasi sebesar 27%. Nilai akurasi terbaik diperoleh pada nilai K=1. Pada skenario kedua, dilakukan uji coba terhadap aspek frekuensi dan durasi komunikasi. Hasil pengujian pembobotan hubungan pertemanan berdasarkan aspek frekuensi dan durasi komunikasi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pengujian yang hanya mempertimbangkan aspek frekuensi. Kata kunci: Co-occurrence, Hubungan Pertemanan, MCDA, Pembobotan, Performa Akademik ================================================================================================== Academic performance is an important key to student success or failure. Academic performance have an impact to student future because it is related to the length of study period which cause students failure. Therefore, it need academic prediction process for facilitating educational institution in monitoring student academic performance and anticipate student failure. One aspect that can be used in academic performance prediction is friendship. Close friend has positive and negative impact on student academic performance. Previous research used co-occurrence for modelling friendship. Co-occurrence modelling friendship based on student meeting at the same location. Every meeting represents as communication frequency and assigned as friendship weight. However, combined communication frequency, communication duration and meeting location weight as friendship weight hasn't been conducted. Therefore, in this research we proposed friendship weighting method with combined communication frequency, communication duration, and meeting location weight using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Furthermore, weighting result will be used to search the label of student's close friend’s academic performance average. Every student label will be compared to the label of student's close friend. As an evaluation, system will be tested using accuracy. The test result of number of friends give 27% accuracy. The best accuracy value is obtained at K=1. In the second scenario, experiment is conducted to evaluate the aspect of frecuency and communication’s duration. The weighting of friendship relationship based on the aspect of frequency and duration of communication is better than test which only consider the frequency aspect

    Friend Relationship Weighting for Academic Performance Prediction on University Delegation at Following Competition

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    Academic performance is an important key to student success or failure. Therefore, academic performance prediction become a popular research on education. In general, several researches used GPA to predicting academic performance. However, there are some aspect that also plays a role in student academic performance, like friend relationship. So, this paper will analyze the correlation between academic performance and friend relationship. Friendship will be seen from communication frequency between students when become University delegation. Each students friend will have weight to show their closeness. In this paper, proposed method gives friendship weight based on communication frequency proportion between student among all student in one faculty. Indeed, close friends have a higher weight than other friends. So, the friendship weight sorted into descending order to get the closest friend. Then, their GPA convert into academic label, i.e. cumlaude, excellent, very good, or drop out. Furthermore, label will be compared to obtaining validation of our hypotheses that friendship plays a role in academic performance achievement. We use scholar student delegation dataset in competition from year 2015 in 7 study programme with 160 scholar students. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can predict academic performance 43% from the total data sample


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    Multi – document as one of summarization type has become more challenging issue than single-document because its larger space and its different content of each document. Hence, some of optimization algorithms consider some criteria in producing the best summary, such as relevancy, content coverage, and diversity. Those weighted criteria based on the assumption that the multi-documents are already located in the same cluster. However, in a certain condition, multi-documents consist of many categories and need to be considered too. In this paper, we propose an inter and intra cluster which consist of four weighted criteria functions (coherence, coverage, diversity, and inter-cluster analysis) to be optimized by using SaDE (Self Adaptive Differential Evolution) to get the best summary result. Therefore, the proposed method will deal not only with the value of compactness quality of the cluster within but also the separation of each cluster. Experimental results on Text Analysis Conference (TAC) 2008 datasets yields better summaries results with average ROUGE-1 on precision, recall, and f - measure 0.77, 0.07, and 0.12 compared to another method that only consider the analysis of intra-cluster

    Prototype Standarisasi HL7 SIMRS Rawat Jalan RSUD Kabupaten Kediri dengan RSUD Simpang Lima Gumul

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    Standardization in health data is a current need to help patients get the best service. Standard Health Level 7 (HL7) is an alternative in managing patient data, especially for health service data when patients visit hospitals, especially Kabupaten Kediri Hospital and Simpang Lima Gumul Hospital. HL7 is one of the standards that support the existence of telemedicine so that it can be implemented to optimize services. In addition, considerations in making designs such as color, layout and control are important aspects in making interfaces. The purpose of this research were to knew the data components, form of messages in HL7, and to design interfaces based on color, layout and controls. This study used a qualitative descriptive of observations on the registration of the Hospital Information System (SIMRS) and interviews with 6 officers. As a result, a comparison has been made between the HL7 data components and the two hospitals. Translation of the patient data form into the message form to HL7 has also been carried out. The evaluation of the interface design has been carried out for officers by prioritizing aspects of color, layout and control. It was concluded that the two hospitals met the standards for exchanging health data, but there was still data such as Px Group, Date Check, Register Hours, Sign in, Polychlinic 1, Information, Blood Group, Occupation, Father's Name, Husband/Wife's Name, Guarantor, PND and Email that needed attention.Standarisasi dalam data kesehatan merupakan kebutuhan saat ini untuk membantu pasien agar mendapatkan pelayanan yang terbaik. Standar Health Level 7 (HL7) menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam pengelolaan data pasien terutama untuk data-data pelayanan kesehatan saat pasien berkunjung ke rumah sakit terutama RSUD Kabupaten Kediri dan RSUD Simpang Lima Gumul. HL7 menjadi salah satu standar yang mendukung adanya telemedicine agar terlaksana untuk optimalisasi pelayanan. Selain itu, pertimbangan dalam membuat desain seperti warna, layout dan kontrol merupakan aspek penting pembuatan antarmuka. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui komponen data, bentuk pesan dalam HL7, dan desain antarmuka berdasarkan warna, layout dan kontrol. Penelitian ini mengunakan dekriptif kualitatif menggunakan hasil observasi komponen pendaftaran Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) dan wawancara kepada 6 petugas. Hasilnya telah dilakukan komparasi antara komponen data HL7 dan kedua RSUD. Pembuatan terjemahan dari bentuk data pasien ke dalam bentuk pesan ke HL7 sudah dilakukan. Pembuatan dan pengujian desain antarmuka telah dilakukan kepada petugas mengutamakan aspek warna, layout dan kontrol. Disimpulkan bahwa kedua rumah sakit sudah memenuhi standar untuk pertukaran data kesehatan, tetapi masih ada data seperti Golongan Px, Tgl Periksa, Jam Daftar, Ket. Masuk, Poli 1, Ket, Gol Darah, Pekerjaan, Nama Ayah, Nama Suami/Istri, Penjamin, PND dan Email yang perlu diperhatikan